Pregnancy Exam


Hand wash
Verify the patient's identity
Explanation of the examination
Obtain consent
Position patient appropriately (30-45° initially, adjust as needed)
Expose abdomen from pubic symphysis to xiphisternum
Confirm gravidity, parity, and gestational age

General Observation

Look for scars (e.g., C-section)
Check for pallor
Assess for jaundice
Look for oedema (pre-eclampsia)
Note any medical equipment

Hands and Face Examination

Examine hands for pallor, oedema, and palmar erythema
Check face for jaundice, melasma, and oedema
Examine eyes for conjunctival pallor

Abdominal Examination

Inspect abdomen
Measure fundal height
Determine fetal lie
Assess fetal presentation
Check fetal engagement
Auscultate fetal heart rate

Additional Checks

Measure blood pressure
Perform urinalysis if indicated


Summarize findings
Suggest further tests if needed

Exam Progress

Items Completed: 0 / 27

Score: 0%