Lymphoreticular Exam


Hand wash
Verify the patient's identity
Explanation of the examination
Obtain consent
Position patient at 45° on bed
Adequately expose patient

General Inspection

Look for signs of cachexia
Check for swelling (hepatosplenomegaly)
Assess for pallor
Note any skin changes
Look for bruising


Check for koilonychia
Look for signs of Raynaud's phenomenon
Check for digital infarction
Look for purpura and petechiae
Assess palmar crease for pallor
Palpate epitrochlear lymph nodes
Examine axillary lymph nodes

Head Examination

Examine eyes
Examine mouth
Palpate cervical lymph nodes

Abdominal Examination

Inspect for petechiae, purpura, bruising, ulcers, distention
Palpate abdomen
Palpate for liver enlargement
Palpate for spleen enlargement
Palpate inguinal lymph nodes


Summarize findings
Suggest further tests if needed

Exam Progress

Items Completed: 0 / 29

Score: 0%