Clue to nerve or tendon damage
Thenar vs hypothenar eminence, small muscles of hand
Diffuse vs localised (subcutaneous tissue, tendon sheath, joint)
Use back of hands, compare sides
ED (+ EDM little finger)
Dorsal interossei
Palmar interossei
Flexor pollicis brevis
Abductor pollicis brevis
Adductor pollicis
Opponens pollicis
Squeeze examiner's fingers
Hold piece of paper in 2nd web space and resist removal
C8/T1: Hypothenar, ulnar 1/3 palm, ulnar 1½ fingers palmar and dorsal
C5-T1: Thenar, radial 2/3 palm, radial 3½ fingers palmar, distal dorsal radial 3½ fingers
C5-T1: Radial 2/3 dorsum of hand, proximal dorsal radial 3½ fingers
Extend PIPJ with MCPJ held in extension
Tap nerve in carpal tunnel to elicit pain in median nerve distribution
Hold wrist in flexion for 60 seconds
Stabilise 1st MCPJ in 10° flexion, stress thumb radially
Stabilise phalanx above IPJ, stress joint with radial then ulnar deviation
Items Completed: 0 / 55
Score: 0%