Assess for jaundice, body habitus (obese or cachexia), mental state
Check for leukonychia (sign of hypoalbuminaemia), Terry's nails
Check for pallor
Look for bruising, petechiae, muscle wasting, scratch marks, spider naevi
Check sclera for jaundice, conjunctiva for pallor (anaemia), Kayser-Fleischer rings (Wilson's disease), Xanthelasmata
Inspect and palpate for parotid and submandibular gland enlargement
Check teeth, gums, fetor hepaticus, aphthous ulceration, angular stomatitis, candida (thrush)
Look for leucoplakia, glossitis, geographical tongue
Look for spider naevi, gynaecomastia in males
Check for scars, distension, swellings, hernias, caput medusae, pulsations, visible peristalsis, skin lesions, Cullen's and Grey-Turner's sign (acute pancreatitis), striae
Assess for guarding, rigidity, and rebound tenderness
Check for hepatomegaly
To check for ascites
Listen in all 4 quadrants. Absence for 4 mins suggests ileus.
Helps differentiate between intra-abdominal and abdominal wall masses
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