Look for tuberosity of navicular, medial malleolus, FHL, Tib Post, lateral malleolus, peroneal tendons, base of 5th
Look for scarring, bruising, swelling, skin changes, toe deformities, calluses, nail changes. Check surface anatomy: tib ant tendon, EHL, ED
Check medial aspect for arch of the foot, lateral aspect for swelling
Look for scars, muscle wasting, Achilles tendon changes
Use back of hands to assess and compare temperatures of ankle joints
Check posterior tibialis and dorsalis pedis
Palpate individual areas and compare sides. Note any tenderness or irregularity.
Palpate gastrocnemius muscle and Achilles tendon, noting tenderness, swelling, or discontinuity
Normal range: 0-20 degrees. Instruction: 'Pull your feet backwards to point up to your head'
Normal range: 0-50 degrees. Instruction: 'Push your feet downwards, like pressing a car pedal'
Normal range: 0-35 degrees. Instruction: 'Try to touch the soles of your feet together'
Normal range: 0-15 degrees. Instruction: 'Try to angle the soles of your feet outwards as far as you can'
Instruction: 'Curl your toes as tight as you can'
Instruction: 'Stretch your toes towards your head'
Performed passively. Steady ankle with one hand and rotate forefoot with the other
Patient lies prone or kneels. Examiner squeezes calf muscle. Normal response: foot plantar flexes. Absence of plantarflexion indicates possible Achilles tendon rupture.
Patient stands on one leg then the other, eyes open then closed. Assesses balance post ankle injury.
Assesses anterior talofibular ligament stability. Positive if anterior translation > 1 cm compared to unaffected side.
Tap over posterior tibial nerve in tarsal tunnel. Positive indicates possible nerve entrapment.
For plantar fasciitis. Positive if heel pain reproduced with passive toe dorsiflexion.
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