Cranial Nerve Exam


Hand wash
Verify the patient's identity using at least two or three details

CN 1: Olfactory

Ask any change to sense of smell or difficulty smelling

CN 2: Optic

Visual acuity
Pupils and responses
Response to light
Ipsilateral (direct)
Contralateral (consensual)
Shines light from side of the eye
Accommodation reflex
Visual fields: Assess for 10, 2, 8 and 4 o' clock positions in both eyes

CN 3, 4, 6: Oculomotor, trochlear, abducens

Do an H shape with your finger and ask the patient to follow
(optional) place hand gently on patient's chin to stop head from moving
Ask the patient to comment on diplopia, and you can comment on abnormal movements of the pupil(s) if there are any

CN 5: Trigeminal

Assess sensory with monofilament / cotton / pinprick (whichever available) for:
Ask if it feels normal and same on both sides (don't just ask if they can feel it)
Assess for motor with muscles of mastication: Put your hand on temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or temporal fossa and ask them to clench their teeth

CN 7: Facial

Comment on symmetry
Eyebrows up
Eyes tight shut
Puff out cheeks
Bare teeth / smile
Ask about loss or change in sensation on face

CN 8: Acoustic

Vestibular component: Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre
Cochlear component
Cover one ear and whisper a number and ask them to repeat it
Rinne test
Weber's test

CN 9 and 10: Glossopharyngeal & Vagus

Observe uvula
Explain gag reflex properly
Assess for gag reflex

CN 11: Accessory

Shoulder shrug and neck turning. Then observe for symmetry / range of movement / muscle bulk
Do above again while resisting

CN 12: Hypoglossal

Tongue movements
(Optional but good) assess tongue strength by asking the patient to press their tongue against the inside of their cheek while you apply pressure from the outside with your hand.
Wash hands

Exam Progress

Items Completed: 0 / 44

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