The shoulder is usually slightly lower on the side of handedness
Poor cervical posture with chin protrusion and increased upper cervical lordosis is common
Use back of hands and compare sides
Key landmarks: external occipital protuberance, C2 (1st bony spinous process below occiput), C5-6 apophyseal joint, C7 spinous process
Include upper trapezius muscle bulk
Normal = 45 degrees to each side
Upper: chin to neck, Lower: chin to chest
Upper: chin protrusion with extension, Lower: looking to ceiling
Tilt head sideways, ear to shoulder
Used to assess simple shoulder movements
If active ROM is reduced, try to establish whether pain or a true limitation in range is underlying this
Patient rotates head to side, examiner passively extends neck. Pain on same side suggests facet joint impingement
Elevate and externally rotate straight arm, then laterally flex head to opposite side and extend wrist
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